You may have a bamboo bike or a conventional bike, it can be an electric bike or a racing one, the Mekong Plus challenges are a way to meet and support magnificent projects. We organize every year, an MPTC (Mekong Plus Cycling Tour) every day with free participation. If the adventure tempts you, contact us! contact (∂)* *To avoid spam, the traditional @ was replaced by (∂) and two spaces have been added to both sides of the symbol. Thank you for correcting it in your email.

You want to ride with your friends, your family, your colleagues, your school…

You feel like organizing a little adventure for solidarity on the occasion of a birthday or other event, we are here to help you organize this in support of our projects.

Contact us to discuss your idea.

Contact: contact (∂) *

* To avoid spam, the traditional @ was replaced by (∂) and two spaces have been added to both sides of the symbol. Thank you correct it in your email.

Pictures of the MPTC on April 22 2019: Our 25 years at Écaussinnes

We still have great memories about our anniversary and thanks to you! Thank you for your participation without which the celebration would not have been so beautiful.

They support us

The social enterprise Mekong Quilts

Our institutional partners:

We have also the Benina foundation, the NIckedo foundation, the foundation OKWorlds and the enterprise OVH

Big thanks to all of you!