On 24.04.2023, Community Advancement organization has supported 100 bicycles to 100 poor students and 20.06.2023, supported 80 scholarships.

Some of those children were from the poor families. Their parents were identified by the authorities in two categories: Level 1 is the group of very poor or poorest in the village and level 2 is seemed a bit better than level 1. Mostly their income is less than 1$/day/person. How is their survival? And the most problem is they have many children to cover. And some of these poor children were register to late at school and some has been decided to drop out from school because of many reasons. One of these reasons are financial and transportation. Why having scholarship and the bike are important for the children?        

Objective of the program:  

  • To provide financial assistance to poor student
  • To enhance attendant of poor student at school
  • To encourage and motivate poor children go to school.